Privacy and Return Policy

Privacy Policy

Collection of Personal Information

Within this website Project Enlightenment may seek certain personal information provided by the visitor for the purpose of registering for teacher or parent workshop classes. Information such as name, mailing address, e-mail address, number of classes, and any additional information you provide, is collected by Project Enlightenment and is used solely for registration.

The information you provide is used by Project Enlightenment to improve the services we provide to you. Your information is never given or sold to any third parties.

Assent to Privacy Policy

By using this site, you agree to the terms of Project Enlightenment website Privacy Policy as set forth above. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use this website. Project Enlightenment reserves the right to change any of its website Privacy Policies at any time.

Cancellation Policy

Project Enlightenment maintains a no-refund policy unless a workshop or series is cancelled by Project Enlightenment. Low enrollment may cause a teacher workshop to be cancelled. In that event, we will alert participants one week prior to class that enrollment is low and may be cancelled. If a teacher workshop or series is cancelled, we will notify participants of any cancellations three days before the workshop begins. If there is no other workshop in which the participant would like to enroll a credit or refund check will be sent to the participant at their home address.

If you have any questions, please send email to