The following workshops have been updated or rescheduled:
TPB2525 - Culturally Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education is now 3/27/2024 from 1:15-3:15
TOB2527 - Conscious Discipline: Managing Conflicts In The Classroom: How To Coach Children In Assertiveness has been rescheduled to 3/17/2025.
TVB2535 - Teaching Toddlers and Two's has been rescheduled to 1/7/2025.
Disciplina Positiva: Herramientas para la crianza de sus hijos (2 sesiones)has been rescheduled to 5/15 & 5/22/2025.
Registration deadline is 2 business days before the workshop date.
Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2025 9:00 Am
Duration: 2 Hours 30 Minutes
For teachers of young children 3 - kindergarten age Guided observations are designed for teachers of three- to five-year olds. Participants observe and discuss best practices in one of two Project Enlightenment inclusion programs serving four-year-olds. Participants will explore ways to implement best practices in their own classrooms. Some of the “best practices” participants might observe include: social-emotional learning, strengthening self-regulation skills, literacy-rich environments, building caring communities, positive guidance strategies, and respectful teacher/child interactions. We encourage you to observe twice- once in the fall and once in the spring so that you can see the growth in the classroom and the children. Date: 4/15/2025 Times: 9:00 - 11:30 AM Location: Project Enlightenment Fee: $25.00 Course No: TDB2510 Wake Learns:126660 Topic#: 9-Jan |